Therapeutic baths and other water procedures
Water procedures have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Water procedures improve blood and lymph circulation, speed up metabolism, and have a tonic effect on heart activity. Water procedures relieve muscle tension and joint ailments, increase tone, have a calming effect. Therapeutic baths are combined with various herbal oils.
Bishof’s baths have a powerful therapeutic effect on the human body. They are used for curative and prophylactic purposes.
Bishofite is a natural mineral that contains 90-96% magnesium chloride and also contains sodium and potassium chlorides, calcium and magnesium sulfates and trace elements: boron, iron, aluminum, etc.
Due to the high content of magnesium salts, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are achieved; it has pronounced wound healing and immunomodulating properties, as well as improves microcirculation and metabolism and normalizes blood pressure. The procedure improves the mobility of the joints and spine, as well as improves the functional state of the nervous and circulatory system. Bishofite bath successfully fights insomnia and strengthens the immune system, and has anti-cellulite properties.
Indications for the procedure:
– diseases of the musculoskeletal system
– diseases of the peripheral nervous system
– gynecological diseases
– cardiovascular diseases
– vascular diseases of the limbs
Contraindications: oncology, thyroid disease, tuberculosis, pregnancy and breastfeeding, acute stage of any disease, individual intolerance.
Magnesium is important for the functioning of the entire body. It participates in more than 300 reactions and processes in the body, including regulating the cardiac cycle, contributing to energy production and accelerating metabolism.
European and American experts are increasingly including magnesium supplements in complex weight loss programs. Their effect is achieved due to the fact that magnesium:
– contributes to the cleansing of the body from toxins and harmful substances
– improves metabolism and accelerates carbohydrate metabolism
– regulates blood sugar levels, contributing to faster weight loss, especially in the peritoneum area
– participates in the production of energy necessary for muscle work
– calms the nervous system by reducing the production of cortisol, a hormone that stimulates the accumulation of body fat
– relaxes muscles, prevents muscle cramps and spasms during physical activity
Course – 3 times at a special price of 55 €
– increase the amount of oxygen delivered to the brain tissues
– improve microcirculation at the level of small blood vessels and capillaries
– normalize metabolic processes in body cells
– reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood
– treat cellulite and obesity
– increase the body’s immunity and vitality
– reduce chronic fatigue syndrome
Course – 3 times at a special price of 70 €
Dry baths with carbonic acid help to get rid of many ailments. This process is not only enjoyable, but also helps to normalize your general condition.
The presented therapy has many benefits and will help you:
– improve the work of internal organs, as well as ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system and stabilize blood pressure;
– help in burning fat and removing toxins;;
– create the smallest load on the body;
– stabilize blood pressure;
– normalize immunity and increase general performance.
In addition, this course of treatment is prescribed for patients with skin diseases. Both sick and healthy people take such baths for the prevention of various diseases, while doing absolutely no harm to the body.
Course – 5 times at a special price of 65 €
Stimulates blood and lymph circulation, tones. Supports slimming, works perfectly as a cellulite massager.
Massage accelerates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, activates bioactive points on the body, increases tone, massages muscles, reduces swelling, relieves pain.
Course – 3 times at a special price of 45 €
The water procedure in a cedar barrel is one of the most effective ways to cleanse the body, which can be used to rid the body of toxins and slags accumulated in it. Another confirmed positive effect that the procedure carried out in a cedar barrel gives is getting rid of the so-called “chronic fatigue syndrome”.
NB! The administration retains the right to make changes in the price list without advance notice. Payments made for services that have not been used due to reasons outside medical spa “Narva-Jõesuu”, will not be refunded.